Ethan Tripodi - Life On Mission

Resources & Tools

Ethan is always looking for resources & tools that enable him to accomplish his mission more effectively. Sometimes this search includes creating resources of his own. All of these can be found below.

Resources From Ethan

Reading Through The "Our Father"

The Our Father (AKA The Lord's Prayer) is the only prayer directly commanded in scripture. How then do we pray it? Ethan shows you exactly how you can incorporate the Our Father into your daily devotions using resources from The Discovery Bible.

See What's Lost In Translation Training Series

Translations are never perfect. That's why a tool like The Discovery Bible brings so much value to the Bible reader. In this 5 part video series, Ethan shows you exactly how you can start seeing what's lost in translation as you read the Bible and have a deeper Bible reading experience.

Bible Reading with The Discovery Bible (Webinars)

In these live webinar recordings, Ethan gives an overview of how The Discovery Bible can impact your Bible reading. There are 3 sessions: 1) Reading the New Testament, 2) Reading the Old Testament, and 3) questions from the audience.

Other Resources

The following resources have not been developed by Ethan, but they play each play valuable roles in his ministry.

The Discovery Bible

The Discovery Bible itself is the tool used in many of the resources Ethan creates. You can start your own 14 day, free trial of The Discovery Bible by clicking the button below.

#NoPlaceLeft Simple Tools

Evangelism and discipleship are too priorities of the #NoPlaceLeft movement. Their simple tools make evangelism and discipleship accessible to the newest of believers and Ethan encourages anyone committed to the Great Commission to check them out.

#NoPlaceLeft Commands Of Christ

The Commands of Christ is a self-guided study plan through one of #NoPlaceLeft's Simple Tools, The Church Circle. This study guide sets a great foundation for any new believer.

The Global Harvest Tools

Similar to #NoPlaceLeft, The Global Harvest is a network providing tools to encourage and enable every member of the Body of Christ to participate in making disciples. Their tools include one's similar to #NoPlaceLeft as well as some bigger, more all encompassing guides.

Discovery Bible Study

This is one of the guides provided by the Global Harvest. A Discovery Bible Study (no connection to The Discovery Bible) is a great starting place for any new Bible reader or study leader. Look for answers to simple questions in God's work so you can know him better.

Movements/NoPlaceLeft Training

Steve Addison has meaningfully organised many of the #NoPlaceLeft training videos on his website, These trying videos are highly recommended for anyone wanting to take the #NoPlaceLeft Simple Tools to the next level. is one of the biggest Bible resource websites in the world. With around 20 Million hits a month, you can look Bible translations, Interlinears, commentaries, and so much more. This is a go for anyone wanting a better understanding of scripture.

Ethan Tripodi is a missionary with Youth for Christ Australia and his mission role is made possible through the prayer and financial support from individuals and organisations just like you.

Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me. Colossians 1:28-29, ESV. - ©2023 - All Rights Reserved
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