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Ethan Tripodi - Life On Mission With Youth For Christ
I work alongside a number of organisations to accomplish what God has called me to. These range from resourcing ministries like The Discovery Bible Project to evangelistic/missional groups like Youth For Christ Australia.
Youth for Christ Australia is part of YFC International, a Christian inter-denominational, non-profit, evangelical youth movement operating in over 110 countries. At its core, YFC is a movement of people unified by a common heart for Jesus and for young people.
It is their desire for all young people to encounter Jesus, to experience radical freedom and to truly understand their identity as sons and daughters of God.
You can learn more about Youth For Christ Australia at https://www.yfc.org.au.
The Harvest Network is a place to connect the Body of Christ in furthering the Gospel of Jesus and seeing greater impact of the Kingdom of God in all spheres of influence.
Their hope is to connect missional believers across all backgrounds, cultures & denominations together so we can:
You can learn more about The Global Harvest and the Harvest Network at https://theglobalharvest.com.
The Discovery Bible Project focuses on enabling in-depth Bible reading by making the original languages of the Bible, Greek and Hebrew, accessible to all Bible readers.
This is primarily achieved through their software, The Discovery Bible which is available on PC, Mac, and eventually, iOS and Android. It's main features include:
You can learn more about The Discovery Bible at https://discoverybible.com.
An effort that utilises social media to help anyone, believers and non-believers alike, to explore the scriptures to find out who Jesus is and what He taught.
Methods like the Discovery Bible Study and tools like that offered by The Global Harvest are also shared so that the making of disciples is more easily multiplied.
You can learn more about Jesus Said In Red at https://jesussaidinred.com.
Founded in 1987 by evangelist Steven Sebyala, Africa Harvest Mission is a non-denominational evangelistic ministry aiming at making Africa a Jesus continent.
Their mission is to reach one billion souls with the transforming gospel of Jesus Christ across Africa and around the world in the next 50 years.
For over thirty years, they have been conducting successful evangelistic campaigns, with attendances normally ranging from 5,000 up to 50,000 in a single gathering.
You can learn more about Africa Harvest Mission at https://africaharvestmission.org.
"Ethan admirably serves Helps Ministries/Discovery Bible as Director over vital operations ranging from executive planning to execution of Bible curriculum development, leadership training, seminar outreach, and international liaison."
Dr. Gary Hill
USA – President of Helps Ministries
"Please let me recommend Ethan to you. He is a very gifted, devoted Christian, enthusiastically dedicated, and faithfully invests his talents. Your support for Ethan is a very wise and profitable investment that will undoubtedly reap lasting benefits."
Mark Wallace
USA – Pastor of Crossroads Chapel
"Ethan is a dear brother in Christ whose fellowship is always enriching. He has a firm love for and keen grasp of the Bible and is gifted to connect to others and to teach. I warmly commend him and the work God has called him to with Helps."
Paul Grinyer
Germany – Rooftop Regional Pioneer
Ethan Tripodi is a missionary with Youth for Christ Australia and his mission role is made possible through the prayer and financial support from individuals and organisations just like you.
Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me. Colossians 1:28-29, ESV.
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