Ethan Tripodi - Life On Mission Blog

His Labourers: 5 Commands In Serving Jesus - Mat 9:36-38

Jesus calls us to prayer that workers may be sent into the harvest. However, what you will likely find is that you are that worker he is sending, and these verses contain everything he's calling you to do.

Life on Mission Blog/From the Pulpit/His Labourers: 5 Commands In Serving Jesus - Mat 9:36-38

Ethan Tripodi

Saturday, May 14, 2022


"Do the work God has called you to do!"

You are the workman God is calling into His harvest, and as that workman, we're going to imitate Jesus and obey 5 commands that come out of Mt 9:36-38.

Introductory Points

  • ​The focus of ministry (v35): Teaching, Preaching, Healing
  • ​Despite being unappreciated (v34)

Main Points - 5 Commands

  • Look! (v36)
  • ​Feel! (v36)
  • ​Share! (v37)​
  • ​Pray! (v38)
  • ​Work! (v38)

Concluding Points

  • ​No need to be grieved like Peter
  • ​Come back to these reminders so you can stay true to your calling

Ethan Tripodi is a missionary with Youth for Christ Australia and his mission role is made possible through the prayer and financial support from individuals and organisations just like you.

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