Ethan Tripodi - Life On Mission Blog

Feeding Rural Uganda... Spiritually And Physically

This month presented an opportunity to participate in a local Faith Summit, run by Africa Harvest Mission, in Busika, Uganda. I had the pleasure of speaking to 200 locals and resourcing 100 churches from around the area.

Life on Mission Blog/Missionary Memoirs/Feeding Rural Uganda... Spiritually And Physically

Ethan Tripodi

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

God has been good to provide all The Discovery Bible Team and I need to keep blessing churches in Uganda. Here is a quick update on how things have gone and what’s next:

  • Busika (rural Uganda) seminar completed
  • ​5 day Mpara seminar coming up in May
  • ​Help us make sure the next event happens

Here are the details…

Busika (rural Uganda) seminar completed

Last week, I had the honour of speaking at a full day seminar in Busika - a rural, Ugandan village.

You helped us donate over 1000 booklets and pamphlets to those who attended and another 500+ to the local “Pastor Fellowship”, connected to 100 nearby churches.

Many pastors and church members approached me after speaking and shared their gratitude for the teaching and resources. Most do not have the opportunity for training so to be able to give so much is very meaningful.

5 day Mpara seminar coming up in May

In the second week of May we are going to have another opportunity to train and feed (literally) at least 1000 people over a 5 day conference.

My team and I will be teaching for a total of 10 hour, printing thousands of booklets and trying to provide lunch for those who attend as well.

Many are travelling very far distances (as are we - 4h drive) to be there since opportunities like this are so rare for them. That’s why we are praying about how we can be the biggest blessing we can.

Help us make the next event happen

To provide the most benefit to those who attend we aim to print 8000 English and translated resources. On top of that, we’ve been asked to contribute to feeding those who come over the 5 days.

Here are the costs:

Printing 8000 resources: $1953
Contribution to 5000+ meals: $1137
Accommodation & Travel: $770

These are just estimates, but that’s a total of $3860 USD and I believe we can raise it.

Thank you all for continuing to be a part of what we do!

Ethan Tripodi is a missionary with Youth for Christ Australia and his mission role is made possible through the prayer and financial support from individuals and organisations just like you.

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