Ethan Tripodi - Life On Mission Blog

Equipping For Mission In The New Harvest Young Adults Network

A new initiative by Harvest Australia is the Harvest Young Adults Network. The goal: to create a community of mission-minded young adults across Australia that are active in the gospel and equipped to participate in it. Good progress has been made with our initial cohort and we expect God to keep on bearing fruit through it.

Life on Mission Blog/Missionary Memoirs/Equipping For Mission In The New Harvest Young Adults Network

Ethan Tripodi

Monday, August 07, 2023

Australia, at the moment, is anywhere from 13 to 15 hours ahead of the United States, here in West Plains, Missouri where I currently live.

That means that if I’m waking up Tuesday Morning at 7am, people are getting ready to go to bed, at 10pm in Sydney.

That hasn’t stopped me though from finding a way to be a part of the work God is doing across Australia.

Thanks to technology like zoom, I’m able to set aside time everyday and sow into the lives of those who are joining the newest initiative of Harvest Australia, the Harvest Young Adults Network.

This will be the first time I am sharing about this so allow me start from the beginning.

Harvest Australia for sometime now has felt their young adults in Australia are ready to play a big role in the gospel, but they need a little bit of a push.

After talking to over 100 of these young adults, I can attest to this.

Many of them share about 2 key obstacles when it comes to doing outreach or participating in discipleship.

Number 1: They don’t know what to say or what to do. I call this the “people problem.”

Number 2: They don’t have anyone to do it with. I call this the “talk and walk problem.”

6 months ago, this was the sense Harvest Australia felt the Holy Spirit was giving them and these two things are exactly what we are solving though the Harvest Young Adults Network.

We solve the “people problem” by connecting with mission-minded believers through social media and creating location based groups.

We solve the “talk and walk problem” by collecting simple gospel tools and providing both one-on-one and group coaching on how each individual is able to be involved in the gospel.

We now have a group of over 35 people, from every state and territory, in the network and an average of 15 of them attend weekly group coaching and accountability calls.

And we grow every week!

Above you can see a screenshot of one of our earlier calls. I’ve blurred the faces for privacy reasons, but rest assured, these people are real, and they are on fire for God.

Ethan Tripodi is a missionary with Youth for Christ Australia and his mission role is made possible through the prayer and financial support from individuals and organisations just like you.

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