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Ethan Tripodi - Life On Mission Blog
As I embark on this discipleship journey, groups emerge at at church and through college students. In Australia, tools like Oikos Map are igniting gospel conversations and my work with YFC and The Global Harvest continues to bless both myself and those we minister to.
Ethan Tripodi
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
“... you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (ESV)
These are the last words of Jesus said just before He ascended into heaven (Acts 1:8) and He describes a clear, outward expansion of the Gospel.
I might not be starting in Jerusalem, but hallelujah, God has given similar, outwardly expanding opportunities for disciplemaking.
Here’s the latest…
After building a great relationship with the pastors at His Place House of Worship, I am happy to report that we are several weeks into a thriving disciplemaking group.
Other members are already running parts of our meeting and some have even started their own groups.
Our hope is that several more disciplemaking groups will begin in the new year.
For more than two months now I’ve also been leading a similar disciplemaking group with some guys from the local college.
Each week we’ve studied the Bible, applied it to our lives, and specifically looked for simple ways God can use them to encourage other students they know and make more disciples.
Please pray about these guys, Riley, Gaige, and Lucas, especially as I start introducing them to others from the church so that they can continue to grow spiritually after I leave America.
Even though I am in the United States, I have prioritised disciplemaking opportunities in Australia through The Global Harvest and continue to meet in groups and one-on-one with those in the Harvest Young Adults Network.
Every week we look at tools and strategies to equip ourselves for disciplemaking and it’s awesome to hear how they are doing disciplemaking differently as a result.
Let me share one example…
Thanks to his Oikos Map, Rod is seeing more opportunities to evangelise and starting more gospel centred conversations. He is also grateful for the 3 Circles as it helps Him present all the key parts of the gospel when the opportunity comes.
And there are lots more examples just like this.
Aside from disciplemaking, God is keeping me in good health and providing all I need physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially to pursue this Life on Mission He has called me to.
As always, thank you for reading this update and please continue to keep me in your prayers.
Ethan Tripodi is a missionary with Youth for Christ Australia and his mission role is made possible through the prayer and financial support from individuals and organisations just like you.
Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me. Colossians 1:28-29, ESV.
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