Ethan Tripodi - Life On Mission With Youth For Christ

About Me

I am a missionary and have committed my life to Jesus Christ and the people of God. With lots still to learn and no time to waste, I want to play my part in enabling believers to fulfil their unique callings.

Meet Ethan Tripodi

Hey! My name is Ethan and I've felt called to ministry since the age of 13. Though not fully pursued until the age of 18, God has been gracious to open the door for me to teach, preach, and share the gospel in America, Germany, Uganda, Kenya, and my home country, Australia.

My goal is to equip believers in:

  • Gathering Biblically
  • Growing Spiritually
  • Going Confidently

I'm particularly passionate achieving this through modelling and motivating expository preaching and in-depth Bible reading and continue to grow in these myself. I also have a commitment to collect and create practical tools and resources that enable God's people to each fulfil their calling.

Since 2018 I have been a volunteer with The Discovery Bible Project working bi-vocationally as a Bible teacher and digital marketer and in 2023 have become an official missionary of Youth For Christ Australia.

I have been in fulltime ministry for the last 3 years and want to thank all of my subscribers that donate to make this possible.

You can join me on my journey by subscribing to my newsletter, and if God lays it on your heart, you may also consider becoming a partner with me as well.

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"Ethan admirably serves Helps Ministries/Discovery Bible as Director over vital operations ranging from executive planning to execution of Bible curriculum development, leadership training, seminar outreach, and international liaison."

Dr. Gary Hill
USA – President of Helps Ministries

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"Please let me recommend Ethan to you. He is a very gifted, devoted Christian, enthusiastically dedicated, and faithfully invests his talents. Your support for Ethan is a very wise and profitable investment that will undoubtedly reap lasting benefits."

Mark Wallace
USA – Pastor of Crossroads Chapel

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"Ethan is a dear brother in Christ whose fellowship is always enriching. He has a firm love for and keen grasp of the Bible and is gifted to connect to others and to teach. I warmly commend him and the work God has called him to with Helps."

Paul Grinyer
Germany – Rooftop Regional Pioneer

Ethan Tripodi is a missionary with Youth for Christ Australia and his mission role is made possible through the prayer and financial support from individuals and organisations just like you.

Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me. Colossians 1:28-29, ESV. - ©2023 - All Rights Reserved
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